Which Hair Transplant Method is Better?
It is a direct hair transplant method that is treated with an implanter. It is also known as unshaven hair transplantation. Although it is based on the FUE technique, there is a big difference between them.
The biggest difference of the DHI hair transplant method from FUE is that with the DHI technique, the canal is not opened before the hair follicles are transplanted. Roots are taken from the donor area and planted in the area to be planted without opening the canal.
What is DHI Hair Transplantation?
Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a hair transplant method in which hair follicles resistant to shedding are taken one by one in the donor area and transplanted directly to the recipient area without opening a channel.
Thanks to the new methods developed as a result of different aesthetic and technical requirements in hair transplantation, treatment alternatives have increased considerably. However, the important thing here is to apply the hair transplant method with the highest success rate. DHI hair transplantation technique is the best example of this. DHI hair transplantation technique has made hair transplantation suitable for everyone as well as keeping up to date.
DHI hair transplantation technique can perform hair transplantation even in people with weak hair strands, as in Sapphire FUE hair transplantation technique. New and successful methods in hair transplantation aim to use the donor area in the best way.
In cases where the hair loss becomes visible and hair does not grow again, it will be beneficial for people to consult a hair transplant specialist before it is late. In the period that people will lose, the situation may be further advanced or it may be difficult to treat.
When looking at the latest methods developed for hair transplant, a physician who is an expert in his work can achieve treatment with excellent results. Thanks to new hair transplant techniques, hair transplant can be done without surgery, without cutting, and without any scars. These factors have great importance to people because many people do not want to say that they are receiving treatment.
It is advantageous to choose new methods to continue daily life more easily. The methods are determined by the physician’s foresight, not by the preference of individuals. After the doctor performs all the necessary examinations, he determines the most appropriate method for the person, and the application stage begins. Before the method is applied, all the necessary information and details are meticulously explained to the person.
DHI Hair Transplant
DHI is the most used form of hair transplant in recent years. DHI, also known as direct hair transplant or pencil technique, is not a hair transplant technique. Although DHI is a fairly new method, it is highly demanded due to its advantages. The mentioned method is the application of the hair follicles that have been collected in the donor area, with special pens to the transplant area. It is a medical pen, which has great importance in the applicatıon of the DHI method and enables the placement of grafts.
This medical device which resembles a pen can perform operations such as root placement and channel opening simultaneously. Thanks to the multi-use device, hair follicles are implanted faster. DHI hair transplant is performed under local anesthesia and hair follicles are collected one by one with a special device by loosening in this process. There is tissue on the grafts during collection. The procedure is performed to separate the tissue from the graft, and then placement is provided to the recipient area using a medical pen.
There are many advantages of DHI hair transplant. The hair follicles can be transplanted denser in the hair transplant operation performed using the method. Due to dense transplants, a natural look is achieved with the hair transplant operation. The pencil used makes channels in the size of the hair follicle for the recipient area, which makes the process easier. The only feature of the pencil is not to open channels, but also to determine the angle of transplanted hair follicles easily. Thanks to these advantages, the damage in the process is minimized and the recovery time is shortened.
In this treatment that does not use any incision, there is almost no bleeding. Exceptionally, little bleeding might occur. One of the biggest advantages of the method is that it does not damage a person’s existing hair. This method, which is applied without any damage to the existing hair, bleeding and heals rapidly, is used commonly.
A direct hair transplant is provided to the area to be treated with the DHI method. People who have not completed hair loss also benefit from the extra advantages provided by the method. The method of grafting and channel opening be done together, and the graft implanting time is minimized. So grafts are planted surprisingly fast. In operations performed using this method, subsequent hair loss is at a minimum level. The method is also preferred by women because hair shaving is not required before the operation. The absence of hair shaving provides a great advantage not only for women but also for men. In addition, no scars occur after the operations performed with the DHI method. Meticulous, attentive, and experienced treatment is essential in hair transplants performed with this method.
The importance of the doctor operating is extremely high. By choosing the right expert, the level of success and perfection in the hair transplant operation can be increased. If the wrong physician is chosen, a treatment process will be much more difficult than the operation normally is.
How is Hair Transplantation Performed with DHI Technique?
DHI hair transplantation technique can be applied under local anesthesia with or without a shave. Hair follicles are taken from the donor area and transplanted directly to the designated area for planting with a DHI pen.
The follicular unit is taken from the donor area and placed in the Choi needle. Hair follicles, which are adapted to needles of different diameters at different angles, are planted according to the region where the planting plan will be made. Choi needle, while pressing the hair root to the scalp, opens the channel to the scalp at the same time and places the hair follicle there.
In the DHI hair transplantation technique, at least two different pens and an average of 10-15 different Choi tips are used. The equipment to be used is planned individually before the operation.
Although hair transplantation is a surgical treatment method that is generally considered suitable for large hair loss, the DHI hair transplant technique is not only for large hair loss but also for different needs such as regional hair loss, forehead narrowing, and hair growth.
Before DHI Hair Transplant
Before the hair transplantation, all information about hair transplantation should be transferred to the person who wants to have hair transplantation. This process is an important process about hair loss, and skipping this process causes the patient's expectations to be misunderstood and a lack of information.
The doctor/clinic should realistically present the expectations in hair transplantation to the patient, that is, to the person who wants to have hair transplantation.
Application for DHI Hair Transplantation
After deciding to have a hair transplant, the best hair transplant center should be sought. Here you should talk to many doctors or clinics, see the results of previous patients and whether they are satisfied.
Whether a clinic or doctor is successful in the field of hair transplantation, you can find the best clinic in the field by examining their social media profiles and by contacting people who have had hair transplantation there before.
You can use the information described above to find the best clinic. We are aware that it is a very long and laborious selection process, but this is the best evaluation.
Are You Suitable for DHI Hair Transplantation?
For all hair transplantation techniques, you must undergo a detailed examination before the operation. Your doctor should be sure that you do not have any health problems that will prevent the surgery. After the necessary tests and blood tests are done, donor area analysis is done.
Preparation Before Hair Transplantation
• You need to take a break from any drug that you have been using before, which has a blood-thinning effect.
• Alcohol and cigarette use should be stopped one week before the operation.
• If you have any disease, you should present it to your doctor with detailed information.
• Hair dyes and henna should be avoided before hair transplantation in women.
• If there is any skin disease on the scalp, a dermatologist should be consulted before hair transplantation.
Dhi Planning Before Hair Transplantation
• Determination of the number of grafts to be collected from the donor area
• Separation of hair follicles according to the regions to be planted
• Calculation of natural growth directions and angles of hair follicles
• Determination and drawing of the hairline after hair analysis
After Hair Transplant
Dressing and first wash are done 72 hours after the hair transplant operation.
• First 15 days;
Within two weeks, the wounds begin to heal and the crusting period begins.
• Between 1 and 3 months
The transplanted hair follicles grow in this process and are completely shed with shock shedding, but this shedding is the harbinger of permanent hair growth.
• Between 3 and 6 months
The transplanted hair follicles are getting stronger in the new region and have started to grow permanently.
• Between 8 months and 1 year
The newly transplanted hair is fully extended and the old hair is restored.
Advantages of DHI Hair Transplant Technique
• Tissue damage in DHI hair transplantation is minimized thanks to Choi tips, so the wounds of people who have hair transplantation with the DHI technique heal quickly.
• The reduction rate of grafts transplanted in the DHI hair transplantation technique is very low.
• Unshaven hair transplantation is applied with the DHI technique.
DHI hair transplantation technique is more expensive than the FUE technique. The main reason why the DHI hair transplantation technique is more expensive than the FUE hair transplantation technique is the equipment used in the operation process.
FUE Hair Transplant
Hair transplant with the FUE method is used for the use of various diseases and medicines or hair loss caused by male pattern baldness. FUE method stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. This method is one of the oldest methods used and commonly preferred for hair transplant operations.
The FUE technique is more developed than the technique obtained from the donor area by cutting the hair roots 15 cm in thickness and 15 cm in length, which is the FUT technique. Before deciding on the technique, the patient is subjected to detailed examinations. If a person is a good candidate for a hair transplant, the operation date is taken and the operation begins.
When starting the operation, the patient’s hair is shortened, then the drawing phase begins. Immediately afterward, the donor area is anesthetized using local anesthesia and the treatment process begins. Hair follicles extracted from the donor area, which is mostly in the nape area with a special extraction device, are prepared for the procedure. Single, double, or more structured tissues, such as grafts, are carefully collected. The follicle collection process is quite long, this process takes approximately 3 hours. The hair root of the grafts, which are kept at room temperature, die in 2.5 hours. To prevent this situation, the grafts are kept in a special liquid. Roots soaked in this liquid can live up to 6 hours.
Hair transplant begins after collecting the follicles. In the implanting area, which is numbed with local anesthesia, 3 mm deep channels are opened in which roots can fit. The follicles are separated from the tissue and placed into the channels. After the implanting stages are finished, the area is closed by medical dressing. As seen in the FUE technique, it is included in the surgical operation. Hair transplant with this method takes approximately 6 or 8 hours. The patient does not feel any pain since local anesthesia is applied.
The process performed provides comfort for the patient. When applying the FUE technique, there are no scars because no incision is made. In this operation, just like other operations, the selection of a doctor is very important. A professional physician is needed to carry out a professional operation. The equipment, knowledge, and experience of the physician will directly affect the success of the operation, therefore, you should have treatment with reliable centers and successful physicians.
Unshaven Hair Transplant
In an unshaven hair transplant, not all hair is shaved but only the donor area is shaved. As in other transplant operations, hair follicles removed from the donor area are transplanted to balding areas. Patients do not want their hair to be cut, which greatly affects their appearance, and this is quite normal. The unshaven hair transplant that allows patients to return to their normal lives immediately after the operation is one of the procedures preferred by many people. The stages of the unshaven hair transplant operation are as follows;
- The patient, who wants to have a hair transplant, is subjected to washing, and hair transplant planning is carried out.
- Planning is performed by shaving a small part of the donor area by considering the expectations of the person and the condition of the hair.
- The hairline is determined with the person who will have a transplant operation and the roots of the roots are taken and the implanting points are determined. The procedure is started by performing local anesthesia.
- The hair follicles are loosened with the method preferred by the doctor using micro tips, then they are removed with forceps and kept in a container filled with saline serum.
- After the grafts are harvested, canals are opened to the recipient area. Finally, when the transplant is done, the operation ends.
There are advantages and disadvantages to unshaven hair transplants. After the unshaven operation, the person can return to his social life. Unshaven hair transplant, which eliminates the balding image, also appeals to women.
The shaven donor area can be easily camouflaged with other hair. An unshaven hair transplant does not create any damage to the scalp. Besides all these, there are also disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that it is much more expensive than a shaven hair transplant. Another disadvantage is that the number of sessions is higher in people with severe hair loss. When the physician’s experience is also insufficient, it may present different disadvantages.
The fact that hair transplant is preferred very much requires great responsibility for our company. As a company, we work with professional hair transplant specialists. We provide all the necessary advantages in hair transplant procedures carried out in a hospital environment. We are proud to demonstrate our success by delivering the perfect result of hair transplants, which requires serious responsibility. You can choose our company for a quite natural look and successful hair transplant.
Our company, which keeps patient comfort and patient satisfaction at a high level, is advantageous in every aspect. Both our knowledge and experience in the sector increase your advantages even more. We take special care of each patient. We are going through successful operation processes not only with Turkish patients but also with patients from abroad.
A special hair transplant method must be chosen for each patient. Therefore, you should consult your doctor when choosing a hair transplant method.